World flags
Flag of Tonga in the Oceania | National states flags of the World countries


Flag of Tonga

Flag of Tonga in the Oceania | National states flags of the World countries
Vlajka Tonga | Flagge von Tonga | Bandera de Tonga

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Information about Tonga

The information comes from the publication CIA The World Factbook.

Automated text translation, excuse errors, please!

Country Tonga is situated in a location / continent Oceania. Tonga has an area of 747 km2 and 106 146 residents. The highest point has a height 1 033 above sea level. and it is called bezejmenné místo na ostrově Kao. The lowest point is located at the level of 0 above sea level and it is named Pacific Ocean. System of government is constitutional monarchy and the date of independence 4th June 1970. Tonga has the international abbreviation TN.

Tonga - economy

Total gross domestic product (GDP) is 772 800 000 $. Total gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power parity is 7 400 $. GDP grows by 1.50 % a year. Inflation (consumer price index) is equal to 6.60 % a year. Tonga have 39 960 working-age population (from a total population 106 146 people). Unemployment is at 13.00 %. Tonga issued 6.20 % GDP to healt care and 0,90 % GDP to army. The total amount of foreign debt is 104 600 000 USD.

Tonga - demography

As suggested above, Tonga has 106 146 people. Population growth is in the amount 0.19 % per year. Number of children born per 1000 population per year is 24.70.Every mother has average 3.55 children. The infant mortality rate is 13.21 and maternal mortality 110.00 deaths per 100,000 births. Average estimated life expectancy makes 75.38 years. Mortality is 4.88 people per 1000 population per year.

Tonga - transport and telecommunications

Tonga has 680 km of roads and 6 airports. There is registered 7 ships.

Number of active mobile phones (sim card) in the country Tonga is 55 000. Number of active fixed telephone lines is 30 000. Tonga has 8 400 internet users, who have the available 20 766 Internet connections. Tonga has been assigned a domain first Choose range .to.

Tonga - energetics

Tonga consumes a year 38 130 000 kWh of electricity. Annual electricity production is 41 000 000 kWh in power plants with a total installed electrical capacity 12 000 kW. Tonga exports 0 kWh and imports 0 kWh of electricity per year Energy mix of power generation is as follows: fossil fuels: 100 %, nuclear energy: 0 %, renewable: 0.0 %, hydropower: 0.0 %.

Keywords: flag states, economy, energetics, flags of countries in the world, Flags of countries, flag, world countries, transport, all flags, telecommunications, information, demography, Flag of Tonga, list of flags, Tonga, list of countries, national flags, politic.